Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Dog walking app

Dog walking app

Dog walking app

Dog walking app




Duber - Dog walking app




User research, UX, UI


Design a product that would connect dog owners with dog walkers.


For the beginning I came up with ideas for who the users are, their problems, and how to solve them for dog owners and dog walkers. Problems were divided by the type of user: Dog owner and dog walker. Example of dog owners problems: - Dog needs more excercise than the owner has time for - Price of walking a dog? - How does it work the whole process? Example of dog walkers problems: - How do I get booked as I just signed up / without reviews? - Need consistent revenue - Finding it hard to have a nice balance in the amount of dogs they walk Using Pareto prinicple I filtered down the most important ones, from them create a problem statement and two hypothesis.

Moving into the research phase, I conducted in-depth in-person interviews to understand the needs of dog owners and walkers. By asking focused questions, I gained valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors. The data collected was pivotal in crafting an intuitive user experience. The interview findings revealed key preferences: most users favor a subscription-based pricing model and require dog walking services twice a week, highlighting the need for a reliable and consistent service. Additionally, the unanimous preference for video testimonials underscores the importance of trust in the user experience design.

Displayed above is a sample user flow diagram that I developed, focusing on the login and sign-up process for a dog-walking app. This flow is one piece of the comprehensive design puzzle I pieced together during the project, chosen to illustrate the systematic approach taken in addressing user access points. It maps out the journey from the splash screen to the home screen, detailing decision points such as account creation, login, and the pathway to engage with a walker’s profile. The flow is engineered to be intuitive, ensuring users of any technical proficiency can navigate through the app with ease.

Each wireframe is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of the app, thoughtfully designed to optimize user flow and interface usability. These wireframes lay the foundation for a structured yet flexible user experience, ensuring that the core features are accessible, understandable, and engaging

While choosing the color palette, I started with the primary green color that I extracted from the illustration. To complement that primary color, I decided on the warm yellow color that represents friendship and optimism to give the overall process a more trusty look.